How often should you wax your car? It’s a good question. Do you remember when you first drove away from the showroom in your brand-new stunning car? Its paint was fresh and glossy, and it looked spectacular. Well, when you skip to a few months later, you feel like that element of it has somehow faded off, and your car is not as vibrant as before.
The answer to why your paint has mysteriously faded off is that you haven’t been waxing your car since you drove it home. That’s why furthermore, we will have a detailed look at questions that arise from how often should you wax your car.
Today, most cars come with a clear sealant coating straight from the showroom. This coating creates a barrier between the car’s actual paint and the external environment. Often, car dealers promise that this sealant will make waxing your car unnecessary, but this is not true.

Car Waxing
Car waxing is maybe the most overlooked part of maintaining your car, probably because it requires a bit of upkeep. The thing you should do before you wax your car is to have it squeaky clean. This is due to multiple reasons, one of which includes that the dirt will get trapped underneath the wax, and it’ll cause friction in the paint, meaning it will damage the paint further.
Why should you wax your car in the first place?
The external environment directly impacts the car’s color, the condition of the sealant, and the paint underneath it. Parking your car in a garage can extend the effect of the sealant for longer; however, when you park in your driveway, which most of us do, we leave our car exposed to external elements that directly impact the longevity of the sealant.
Positive sides of waxing your car
Waxing is definitely the answer if you’re looking to give your car a fresh new look. If you want to make an impression, then you should definitely think about giving your car a new layer of wax. You’ll leave it looking pretty and brand new if you do so.
It protects the paint
The wax will create an extra barrier to protect your car’s paint from UV rays, bird droppings, water spots, minor scratches, and some debris. It will prevent the paint from oxidizing, rusting, and chipping.
Makes it easier to clean
Waxing it frequently will keep it in good condition, and it’ll prevent dirt, debris, and bird droppings from sticking directly to the paint. The wax makes it easier to clean off.
Hides small scratches
We all know that minor scratches on your car can drive you crazy. Well, there’s something to counter that. With waxing, you’ll be able to fill in the minor scratches, which will temporarily hide them until your next waxing.
Frequency of waxing your car
How often you should wax your car depends on a few circumstances. Washing your car frequently can reduce the car wax’s potency. How long the wax stays also depends on what kind of wax you’ve used.
There are a few types of wax:
- Paste wax – This is the most traditional form of wax, and it puts a thick, protective layer over your car’s clear coat. This wax takes longer to apply, but it does stay longer on your car’s surface.
- Liquid polymer – It’s made from man-made chemicals, but it has the same properties as wax. It is considered a synthetic wax. It is easier to apply, but it doesn’t result in the same level of shine in the paint as the other forms of wax.
- Liquid wax – It’s a blend of natural wax and synthetic polymers and is good for protection against UV rays. It also gives a good shine, but the coating is thin and lasts as little as eight weeks.
- Carnuba wax – It is a natural substance, and it gives your car’s paint a great shine. However, its longevity is very short, and it requires frequent reapplication.
So, to answer shortly on how often you should wax your car – wax it when the last coating has worn off or is ready to wear off. You need to understand that the wax will wear off, and every time you wash your car, a little of it gets removed. Your car is likely to get rained on, and UV rays and atmospheric chemicals will have an oxidizing effect. You might want to opt for a paste or liquid wax for maximum protection. These are meant to last up to four months in a situation where you keep your car protected from harsh weather elements and inside your garage.
How to know when it’s wearing off
If the water on it beads, or lack thereof, it is the clearest sign. It all has to do with the surface tension and its energy, but mainly, wax makes water bead up. No beading = no wax. Another way to know is to run your fingers over the paint. If it feels like there’s friction, then you need to wax your car.
So, to get back to how often should you wax your car, it all depends on the factors that we’ve previously mentioned. In general, you should wax your car around 8 to 12 weeks.
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Waxing your car isn’t just about making it look as good as possible. It’s also about protecting the paint. In reality, the two really go hand-in-hand. Even though waxing can be quite a laborious job, it always pays up in the end. The weather might not cooperate with you, and you’ll sometimes find it a challenge, but there will always be a good time for you to do it. While it’s incredibly satisfying to see your car looking fresh and glossed up, it’s even more satisfying knowing that it’ll last more than two or three months with the right wax. Remember, the frequency of how often should you wax your car varies. If you expose it to harsh weather elements and keep it outside of your garage, then it is always best to wax it very frequently!